Monday, 17 August 2015

Best Schools of Lahore

These days, life is all about a quality education and an established job. If you possess these two aspects of life then you, my friend, are moving on the right track. But how is this possible?

The answer is; preschools. Every building must have a strong foundation on which its edifice stands; therefore, it is necessary for every child to have a strong base before they start studying about the greatest creations of the world and its people. This can further be reaffirmed by the fact that the best schools of Lahore have very strong preschool programmes.

4 famous Preschool Programmes.
·        Montessori
·        Kindergarten
·        Nursery
·        Reggio Emilia

Amongst the 4 preschool programmes, Montessori education is best recognized and most effective. Montessori education is an educational approach developed by Italian physician and educator Maria Montessori and characterized by an emphasis on independence, freedom within limits, and respect for a child’s natural psychological, physical, and social development. In addition, many Montessori schools design their programs with reference to Montessori's model of human development from her published works, and use pedagogy lessons and materials introduced in teacher training derived from courses presented by Montessori during her lifetime.

Montessori Programme focuses on five areas:
·        Practical life- Children are trained to master various activities, which are a part of their daily routine e.g. tie their shoe laces, clean themselves up and how to use a washroom without any help.
·        Sensorial activities- Children are engaged in activities in which they are supposed to use their five senses e.g. a child is asked to explain what he feels when he touches a feather.
·        Language arts- to help children so that they can express themselves verbally and improve their writing skills, grammar and reading etc.
·        Mathematics and geometry- Children learn about numbers through hands-on techniques using concrete materials, such as the golden beads that represent the hierarchy of the decimal system.
·        Cultural subjects- children learn about different aspects of the world along with basic science

NGS Preschool Programme
 Among other best schools of Lahore, NGS Preschool is one preschool which stands out due to a very distinct approach that it employs for child development. To start with, teaching and learning at NGS Preschool is based on the Montessori system of early childhood development. The preschool works on child abilities and learning styles and helps them grow according to one’s intelligence rather making them learn what is generally taught at other preschools of Lahore.
 The foundation of a child at NGS Preschool depends upon “Multiple Intelligence” a theory developed by Dr. Howard Gardner.

Multiple Intelligence
Howard Gardner of Harvard University has identified seven distinct intelligences. This theory has emerged from recent cognitive research and "documents the extent to which students possess different kinds of minds and therefore learn, remember, perform, and understand in different ways," according to Gardner (1991). According to this theory, "we are all able to know the world through language, logical-mathematical analysis, spatial representation, musical thinking, and the use of the body to solve problems or to make things, an understanding of other individuals, and an understanding of ourselves. Where individuals differ is in the strength of these intelligences - the so-called profile of intelligences -and in the ways in which such intelligences are invoked and combined to carry out different tasks, solve diverse problems, and progress in various domains."

Multiple Intelligence at NGS Preschool
At NGS Preschool, each child is exposed to a variety of learning techniques and experiences to identify a child’s dominant intelligence and learning style. The lessons plans and curriculum are designed around the theory of Multiple Intelligence. Children are given exposure to a variety of ways in order to learn a single concept e.g. the digit ‘8’ could be taught by drawing, crafting, singing, writing etc.
Overtime, the learning style that is most suitable to a child is identified and worked upon to give the child an enhanced learning capacity. NGS Preschool develops ‘Super Learners’ through this unique technique.

Although the other best schools of Lahore have their own approach to preschool education, NGS and its Preschool stands out due to this unique approach it has incorporated in its system. The concept of Multiple Intelligences combined with the Montessori system has really clicked for NGS Preschool. It has produced some excellent students over the years that have embarked on successful educational journeys. NGS Preschool students are easily accepted in other prestigious schools such as Aitchison College and Convent of J&M, though most carry on within the system to NGS Junior School.

For more information on NGS Preschool, please visit:

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